
Tiny Tim is SURE there is a treat for a good boy. Tiffany

Sigma: mini poodle for the win. Callie
To be added to the Gallery, email your poodle pictures to Carol: TheClassicCarol (at) gmail.com
Fast Coursing Ability Test (CAT). Go, little doggy! Callie

Leap year! (It's coming in 2024)

Yeager for the win. Nicole

Waiting my turn.

Klaus: Walk softly and carry a BIGGER stick.

Yeager in the show ring. Nichole

"Who said it wasn't my color?"

Flying low to the ground

Mommy, play with me

Taking it in stride

A winner!

Yeager for the win

Learning about what happens at a dog show. Carol

Bark softly and carry a big stick

Puppy party to discuss confirmation. Carol

Yeah! A Winner :-) Jin

Poodle and computers - such concentration! Carol

Poodle litters are small or LARGE. Jeff
Showing a miniature poodle. Carol
Winner's confirmation ribbons

Life may be boring . . . but never dull

Poodle waiting to be petted

Poodles make great members of the family and get along with other pets

Puppy practicing her poise

Proud poodle

Toy poodle on guard for falling crumbs

Aging gracefully

Every dog has their toy

Your wish is my command

Minature poodle celebrates the holidays

Bad hair day?

You look great in black

Pitter patter of poodle feet

Poodles always stand out in a crowd