Online and in-person
Regular club meetings
Regular Club meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month. Most meetings are conducted by Zoom, starting at 7:00 PM.
The Club usually schedules at least two meetings a year as dinner meetings at selected restaurants so the members and guests are able to get together and socialize in person. These are usually the July and December meetings.
Guests and member applicants are welcome to attend all meetings, with the possible exception of the December meeting.
Meetings may be rescheduled or occasionally canceled due to conflicts with other events. Confirm meeting dates with the Club secretary.
To Be a Guest at our next meeting
Contact the Club secretary, Paula Morgan, Paula@bpmorgan.com, to be put on the notice list for meetings and to receive Zoom links.
Social events, seminars, and dog shows are in-person
2023 Club Meeting Dates
January 18- Poodle Specialty prior to the Rose City Classic Dog Show
February 21 – Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
March 11- Poodle Specialty concurrent with the Silver Falls Kennel Club All-Breed Show
March 21 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
April 18 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
May 16 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
June 20 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
July 18- In person Club meeting, Three Sheets at the Harbor, Hayden Island
August 15 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
September 19 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
October 17 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
November 21 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
December (TBA)– Club meeting and Holiday Social
2024 Club Meeting Dates
January meeting -TBA.
January 16 - Poodle Specialty prior to the Rose City Classic Dog Show
February 20 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
March 9 - Poodle Specialty concurrent with the Silver Falls Kennel Club All-Breed Show
March 19 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
April 16 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
May 21 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
June 18 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
July 16 – In person meeting TBA
August 20 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
September 17 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
October 15 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
November 19 - Zoom Club meeting 7:00 PM
December – In person meeting and Holiday Social – TBA.

Interested in the Poodle Club?
Use the form fill to share your interest in the club and request more information.