Board of Directors

Club Committees
Join our club and take your spot on one of our committees.
Committees are a club resource that brings knowledge, insight, and talent to many areas,
Breeder Referrals
Provides referrals to approved breeders
Standard Poodles: Jeff Smith, jeff@canzonestandardpoodles.com
Toy and Miniature Poodles: Tiffany Howard, Tiffany@clarionpoodles.com
Oversees club finances, prepares reports, makes recommendations
Regina Vallerani (Chair), + Club Officers
Education, Outreach, and Social
Plans and coordinates social activities and educational programs of the Club
Tiffany Howard (Chair), Nicole Koen Le, and Paulette Alexander
Historian and Club Archives
Open (please apply!)
Oversees the club’s social media guidelines and administers the club’s social media accounts.
Facebook Support - Callie Meiners (Chair), Jeanette Hayward, Nancy Schmidt, Paulette Alexandria
Coordinates efforts to grow and maintain membership, keeps application & renewal forms up-to-date, reviews applications, and presents them to the membership at club meetings.
Jeff Smith (Chair), Abigail Kitchens, Angel Fernandez-Baker, Callie Meiners
Nominates candidates for each club office and the board of directors and presents the committee’s slate of candidates at the November meeting. Tallies and certifies the vote and results.
Tiffany Howard (Chair), Janith Wright, and Barbara Curry.
Develops and posts content, collaborates with members on content and to post pictures, website maintenance.
Carol Doane
Specialty Shows
Show Committee
Responsible for all phases of the Club’s sanctioned matches and licensed shows.
Janith Wright (Chair) and Angel Fernandez-Baker
Awards and Ribbons
Pre-show: Angel Fernandez-Baker(Chair)
Advisor: Barbara Curry
At ringside ____________
Catalog and Sales: Regina Vallerani
Hospitality: Jeff Smith (coffee, snacks, candy. water)
Flowers: Nicole Koen Le
Conformation On Site: Janith Wright
Performance Events On Site: Callie Meiners
Meet the Breed - Tiffany Howard (chair), Angel Fernandez-Baker, Janith Wright, Jeff Smith, Jennifer Austin, Nicole Koen Le
Judge Selection: Jeff Smith and Janith Wright
Contracts and Letters: Regina Vallerani
Judge(s) Gift ____________
Host and Transport ____________
Lunches ____________
Mentoring of Potential AKC Poodle Judges- Must be an AKC Judge. Tiffany Howard manages, and Barbara Curry is also qualified.
Rescue Volunteers: Help our Rescue Coordinator with the Club’s services to individuals needing rehoming help for their dogs.
Volunteer Opportunities
Photographer (PR): photographs shows and events to capture club members’ participation to promote the work of the club.
Dog Show Ring Stewards: volunteer at the Poodle ring may have one or all of these assignments:
Catalog placements, absentees, and disqualifications.
For each class, prepare ribbons and trophy awards.
Keep the show ring neat and clean.
If needed, call the show photographer, clean-up crew, vet, or superintendent to the ring.
Read more about ring stewards on the AKC’s site: here.
Free online ring stewarding class from AKC here.

Contact us.
To learn more about the club and ask questions about joining, or any other questions, please enter your information in the form.